Yohann's Bio
Yohann Anderson... Author and Publisher, of Materials with over a few million copies in sales... Retreat Speaker, Song Leader, Camp Program Consultant, Progressive Minister with people of all ages and Music Therapy Consultant.
CURRENT: Author, Editor, Ordained Minister, Musician, Workshop Leader in Communication Arts, Well known workshop leader in the field of participation music “SINGSHOPS” Consultant to schools, churches, retreat centers and renewal groups, Founder of Songs And Creation, Inc. and pioneer of "People Friendly" (Asymmetrical) Group Dynamics
PREVIOUS: Ecumenical ministries Congregational (United Church of Christ) American Baptist, Presbyterian,) Catholic seminar leader, Methodist worship consultant ...Cursillo and Walk to Emmaus leader and trainer... School teacher, Disneyland-program, Area Youth Director, Career staff with Young Life plus National Music Director, Camp Manager, Regional Assistant and Program Consultant for Young Life and YMCA’s.
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Yohann Anderson is a graduate of Redlands University, 1961. He received his Masters from the American Baptist Seminary of the West, 1964. (A division of the Graduate Theological Union Berkeley) He has had clinical training in counseling with the International Transactional Analysis Association which was affiliated with the San Francisco Theological Seminary Lloyd Counseling Center in San Anselmo, CA. He has studied voice and extensive voice training therapy with professors from Gulliard School of Music and Theater Arts; Post graduate work includes Education, Applied Psychology and Theology; Certified Trainer from Fuller Seminary and Young Life Institute of Youth Studies.
INVENTOR – Yohann has invented the most easy guitar to play you could ask for called the “UKETAR” or sometimes know as the “YoTar”. It’s a 8 or 12 string type of BARITONE UKULELE with a standard dreadnaught sound box. The sound is huge and no one can believe it’s not a regular guitar.
He also invented the world’s only “GUITARISTS THIRD HAND” which is a holder for music that slips right on an acoustical guitar. Now a guitarist can stroll around playin’ and singin’ and still have words/music with them. Only weighs 8.5 oz. and can hold up to 3 lbs. Even can hold electronic gizmoes. A must for any song leader. Very slick and cool. Non-obtrusive.
Another invention is the one page simplified GUITAR CHORD and KEYBOARD CHORD CHARTS. Very unique in style. De-mystifies chord progression and pictures the three basic chords for each key. So many have learn to play with these charts.
His most popular invention is the popular “eclectic” songbook that is the most user friendly music book on the market today. It’s user friendliness in it’s style and format encourages everyone to make a joyful noise and sing even if they don’t think they can.
Yohann has also pioneered an infectious way of allowing people to participate. His outstanding work in the field of “GROUP DYNAMICS” has helped him pioneer an "ASYMMETRIC TYPE OF ENVIRONMENT" THAT ALMOST GUARANTEE'S PARTICIPATION and therefore OPTIMUM COMMUNICATION.
Yohann believes that everyone can sing and even tells people to not sing (who don’t think they can) and just say the words out loud... WOW! Just watch what happens... You got it! THEY ARE SINGING because they’re not trying. It’s born in our cells to make music... leaders just need to allow it to happen and with the right “asymmetrical environment and attitude” it will. His best qualification is being “real and approachable,” using NON-CLICHED LANGUAGE he walks his own talk by being able to put ideas into an enjoyable, understandable format that leads to a practical, accepting, joyful, enthusiastic and fulfilling leadership lifestyle.