Standard Size - 7"X10" Coordinated with the "Lyricord" song book to match songs page for page complete songs on one page. 1,197 + Songs
Contains all the songs of the "LyriChord"(#137) SongBook in a slimmer size, 7" X 10" size - All songs on one page... Two to four songs per page.
Also, check out our smaller 5.5" x 8.5" pocket book "MINI" words only edition with all the same songs and save money. The smallest book is great for sing alongs like campfire gatherings.
Singers don't need the chords so we enlarged the fonts in a slimmer sized book. Enhances the ease of group singing as chords do not get in the way. Approx. 75% of the population sing better without the notes or chords being present as only 3-7% can sight read music on the spot.
Huge Variety (Eclectic)... Very Readable - Lays flat - Songs on one Page.
Three types of binding:
1. Plastic coil spiral, Flat opening and flip around. Perfect for use in the Yolder.
2. Perfect Bound, Lay Flat spine. (paper back)
3. (Optional - special order) Hearty bound (glued) with staple