Words Only


Standard Size - 7"X10" Coordinated with the "Lyricord" song book to match songs page for page complete songs on one page. 1,197 + Songs

Contains all the songs of the "LyriChord"(#137) SongBook in a slimmer size, 7" X 10" size - All songs on one page... Two to four songs per page.

Also, check out our smaller 5.5" x 8.5" pocket book "MINI" words only edition with all the same songs and save money. The smallest book is great for sing alongs like campfire gatherings.

Also available in a slightly larger size for those with reading impairments. See SKU #178 XL

Singers don't need the chords so we enlarged the fonts in a slimmer sized book. Enhances the ease of group singing as chords do not get in the way. Approx. 75% of the population sing better without the notes or chords being present as only 3-7% can sight read music on the spot.

Huge Variety (Eclectic)... Very Readable - Lays flat - Songs on one Page.

Three types of binding:
1. Plastic coil spiral, Flat opening and flip around. Perfect for use in the Yolder.
2. Perfect Bound, Lay Flat spine. (paper back) 
3. (Optional - special order) Hearty bound (glued) with staple

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